All services offered by Wes-Tex connecting to your location through fiber use an Adtran connection box.
Do not unplug any gray or white boxes with Adtran label on them. The box should also have an orange sticker saying to not remove or unplug the equipment.
Phone, Fiber Internet, Wireless Internet*
*Services available in select areas
Please call our office to see if your current number is eligible to port: (432) 756-3393
Wes-Tex strives to complete your service request as promptly as possible. Sometimes we may have construction to be able to get you the best service possible for your area. Please call our office for any questions.
Wes-Tex Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (Wes-Tex) is a rural telephone service provider regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Federal Communications Commission.
Wes-Tex receives high-cost support and Texas Universal Service support based on the number of telephone lines served as well as the cost of providing those lines. Current law does not provide those types of support for Internet-only lines.
A rural Wes-Tex customer can have an Internet-only line, but the regulations require that Wes-Tex charge what it actually costs to provide that service, which is currently more than $200 per month.
Always call 811 to set up Dig Test so lines can be marked prior to digging. Visit the Texas 811 - Call Before You Dig website.
Please call (432) 268-8800 for information.
Dial 0 for the Operator
- For local numbers not found in this directory: dial 1 + Area Code + 555-1212
- For other numbers within your area code, and for numbers outside your area code: dial 1 + Area Code + 555-1212
- Inward WATS (800) numbers dial 1 + 800 + 555-1212
Dial 1 + 411
If you have trouble with your service you reach us at the following numbers:
- Big Spring: (432) 263-0091
- Stanton: (432) 756-3826
If you need to subscribe to new services with us for your home or business, transfer service to a different address, discuss your bill, or even have your service disconnected, please feel free to contact us at either of the numbers listed above.
Are you planning on digging around your home or business? Call 811 Before You Dig.
Pay by phone (833) 890-9220
Call (432) 756-3826
Co-op mailing
- PO Box 280 Stanton, TX 79782
Telecom mailing
- PO Box 1329 Stanton, TX 7978
Office locations
- 711 Scurry Big Spring, TX 79720 (Directions to Office)
- 1500 West Business 20 Stanton, TX 79782 (Directions to Office)
We bill a month in advance. Depending on when you are actually connected, your bill may show more than 1 months’ worth of service, this is why we require the first month upfront.
Please contact Wes-Tex to review your account services.
Wes-Tex Telephone Cooperative bills are due on or around the 16th of every month.
Wes-Tex Telecom bills are due on or around the 23rd of every month.
Please follow the instructions on our Internet Troubleshooting page.
The picture below provides a guide to the devices you might need to consider when requesting Internet access. All these devices will generate Internet traffic from within your residence.
Wes-Tex will rent a managed router for $9.99. per month with a 24-month minimum contract. A cancellation fee of $150 is applied if the contract is stopped sooner. The router service fee applies for as long as the router is in use.
However, you can also purchase your own. If you choose to purchase your own, please call our office so we can authenticate your router.
Yes, please have your Wi-Fi router during your install.